Urban Entomology Endowed Research Fund


Since 1995, annual distribution from the Urban Entomology Endowed Research Fund provides support from undergraduate and graduate students, research, extension, and outreach activities. The Endowed Research Fund is an important source of funds that will support new entomologists for generations to come.

The Urban Entomology Program at UCR has led the way in developing environmentally low-impact pest management strategies for controlling pests in and around homes. Studies have been conducted on important pests of California such as ants, cockroaches, fleas, termites, spiders and yellowjackets. Students and faculty have provided training and educational programs for the industry and public.

To make a donation online, visit:



To make a donation by mail, make checks payable to the “UC Riverside Foundation” and note “Urban Entomology Endowed Research Fund” on the memo line, and mail to:

UCR Foundation

PO Box 5068

Riverside, CA 92517-5068

Gifts to the Endowed Research Fund are tax-deductible.


For more information, contact:

Jeremy McWells

Associate Director of Development for CNAS

900 University Ave

B0110 Hinderaker Hall

University of California

Riverside, CA 92521


Office: 951.827.5074

Cell: 951.313.2802

E-mail: jeremy.mcwells@ucr.edu

Web: cnas.ucr.edu/giving



Urban Entomology Endowed Presidential Chair Fund


The Endowed Presidential Chair in Urban Entomology at UCR has been established with generous donations from many different companies.

The Founder's Circle companies will not only help secure a steady stream of cutting edge research and services for your business, but also receive:

  • Exclusive invitations to events at the university, including a reception for speakers at our annual Urban Pest Management Conference.
  • Access to faculty research of relevance to your company.
  • Entomology newsletters and other publications.
  • Recognition on our Web site with your company logo.


For personalized assistance with your gift, please contact:

Robyn Martinelli

Assistant Dean for Development, CNAS
Email: robyn.martinelli@ucr.edu
Tel: 951.827.3067



Thank you so much for your support of the UCR Urban Entomology Program!




Founder's Circle Members:

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