Pyramid ant

Research and Discoveries

Recent Research

Below is a list of some relatively recent research documentation. Feel free to browse the information presented and to contact us if you have any additional questions.




Approximately 270 species of ants are found in California. At least 25 different species are regularly collected in urban settings, several species being significant pests. Invasive species such as the red imported fire ant and rover ant have recently invaded the state.






Argentine Ant

Argentine Ant

An exotic species first reported in California in the early 1900s. Currently, it is the number one household pest in California, and also a pest in agriculture and natural environments.








Cockroaches are an important pest problem in structures wherever food is being prepared, stored or served. The German cockroach shown here with egg case is the most frequently encountered species in California and worldwide.








Fleas are not only the most important pest of domesticated cats and dogs worldwide, but also attack calves, sheep, and horses, and have been implicated in the transmission of plague, murine typhus, and human spotted fever.








Most spiders produce venom that is poisonous to their prey, usually insects and other small arthropods; the venom of these spiders is harmless to humans. A few such as black widows and recluse spiders produce venom that is toxic to humans.






Stinging Ants & Kissing Bugs

Stinging Ant

Stinging ants: It is estimated that up to 5 percent of the population in the United States is allergic to stings of Hymenoptera. In some areas infested with imported fire ants as many as 50% of the population has been stung. For the hypersensitive individual, one sting is sufficient to precipitate an anaphylactic reaction.




Kissing Bugs

Kissing bugs: Also known as Mexican or Texas bed bugs, conenose bugs, and Wallapai tigers, they are the most common cause of anaphylactic reactions to biting insects. Their bite is painless but if you are allergic it can be life threatening.








California is home to subterranean and drywood termites, both major wood-destroying structural pests.








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